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Local Businesses in Ada County

Ada County is located in the southwestern part of Idaho, United States. As of the 2021 Census, the county has a population of 511,931, making it the most populous county in the state. 26.8% of the state's population lives here. The county seat and largest city is Boise, which is also the state capital. Ada County is part of the Boise metropolitan area. The Ada County Highway District serves all county and city roads except private and state roads. Ada County, in the interior of the Pacific Northwest east of the Cascade Mountains, is the second most populous county in Washington after Spokane County.

The unemployment rate in Ada County is 3.5%. The US average is 6.0%.

Earnings and Salaries

Ada County's job market grew 3.6% last year. Future employment growth over the next decade is projected to be 50.8%, above the US average of 33.5%.

Ada County Economy
Ada County Economy

Official website: https://adacounty.id.gov/

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