Picture for Meridian, ID

Local Businesses in Meridian, ID

Meridian is a city in Ada County, Idaho, United States. Meridian was the second-largest city in Idaho behind Boise as of the 2020 Census, with a population of 117,635. The city of Meridian is regarded as having one of the fastest population growth rates in both the state and the nation.

Meridian's unemployment rate is 3.4%. The US average is 6.0%.

Meridian Earnings and Salaries

  • The average annual income for Meridian residents is $26,738. The US average is $28,555 annually.
  • Median household income for Meridian residents is $63,225 annually. The US average is $53,482 annually.

City website: https://meridiancity.org/

Economy in Meridian
Economy in Meridian

Number of companies


Number of categories