Company Description

In exploring the idea of starting Cancer Cooperative, we received a lot of advice. The common theme of the advice was: "Don't start another nonprofit organization that will compete for the same dollars all nonprofits are fighting for. In all likelihood there is probably another organization already out there offering the same programs or solutions—just join their cause."

Well, we looked for that organization . . . for over a year. Turns out there are tons of incredible organizations out there supporting the cancer community! The issue we found was there weren't any organizations that deliver solutions, with significant impact, for the cancer community on the fronts of: alternatives to life insurance
coaching unique to the challenges of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship
and streamlining of the financial grant sector for both the applicant and issuer.

Cancer Cooperative developed as a response to three common conversations Gavin was having with the cancer community:

How do I get life insurance that actually provides significant coverage for my family? (Not the $10,000 end-of-life polices that are subjectively issued with overly inflated premiums.)

Cancer has thrown my life into a tailspin! My perspectives, values, finances, feelings, thoughts, and relationships are in transition and I'm at a loss as to how to regain my footing in daily life. I'm looking for support, structure, guidance, and a path to leverage my experience with cancer in an empowering way.

There are a ton of financial resources out there for the cancer community as patients handle diagnosis and the financial fallout post-treatment. The application process is fragmented and often too time-consuming for the patient, survivor, or caregiver to handle when there are immediate needs to be addressed in the family, during and after cancer treatment. The competition for the numerous grants available is often too fierce to justify taking the time to fill out different applications.

From these conversations, Cancer Cooperative grew into a forum where the cancer community can voice their needs and use Cancer Cooperative as a vehicle to create their own solutions.

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Products & Services

Coaching unique to the challenges of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship ,   Streamlining of the financial grant sector for both the applicant and issuer ,   Alternatives to life insurance  

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Cancer Cooperative

1605 N 7th St Boise, ID
(208) 991-3718